The St. Dismis Brotherhood is a group of Catholic men who come together to encourage each other to be faithful followers of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ calls each of us to a conversion of heart, to abandon sin ans to follow him to eternal life. The church tells us: Conversion is first of all the Work of the grace of God who makes our hearts return to him.
"Put off the old man that belongs to your former manner of life, and is corrupt through deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new man, reated after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
Eph 4; 22-24
Personal conversion is not enough, however. Christ askes us to chare the graces we have recieved with others. We take seriously to evangelize those around us. Our Brothers are committed to bringing our lord Jesus Christ to the center of our Families. To enter into a deeper relationship wit our Lord through the power of the sacraments recieved in the Church.
I am the way, the truth, and the life" Jn: 14,6
Conversion of heart is only genuine if it changes our outward life. The church teaches The Interior penance of the Christian can be expressed in many and varios ways. The Hermanos of St. Dismas are committed to a rule of life that emphasizes these three fundamental aspects of conversion: prayer, penance, and works of charity.
The Brotherhood of St. Dismas has a special interest in reaching to those who have been incarcerated or have been involved in gangs, or drugs, and who may feel unwelcome in a parish.
The Greatest of these is charity, " said Paul (1 Cor:13,13) of the theree theological virtues. Charity urges us to love others for God's sake. The Brotherhood along with our sisterhood of the Annunciation together, bring hope, and love to those most in need.